Individuals experiencing symptoms of Depression and Anxiety can receive support from a mental health professional in the areas of illness education and management, crisis planning and relapse prevention. Through group work and/or 6 – 12 individual appointments with a Social Worker, individuals will learn about moderate mental illness and how it impacts health and overall functioning, and will learn healthy and effective strategies to manage their unique symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Psychotherapy Program
The purpose of this program is to provide a time limited, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach to managing depression and anxiety. The underlying assumption of CBT is that negative patterns of thinking contribute to and maintain emotional distress and unhealthy behavioural patterns which are often characteristic of individuals suffering from depression and anxiety conditions. CBT helps the individual to increase their awareness of negative thought, feeling and behavior patterns through self-monitoring and psycho education. CBT tends to deal with the ‘here and now’ rather than on issues from the past. The focus of the service is on areas of illness education, symptom management and on wellness and relapse prevention planning. This program may include individual and/or group therapy.
Court Diversion Services
Support is provided to individuals who have a Mental Illness and are involved with the Justice System. When indicated, the CMHA Worker can assist by advocating for court diversion, when court diversion is not possible, the CMHA worker can provide support and guidance in navigating the court system.
Release from Custody
Is a short term program designed to support the immediate needs of clients being released from custody suffering from a mental illness back into the community. The role of the Release from Custody manager is to link client to services i.e. finances through OW, temporary housing, food clothing etc. Release from custody would meet client prior to discharge while in custody or if out of area link to the social worker at another facility to make a discharge plan with client for integration back to the community.